Positive ERP/Retail project

LSI Software S.A.

Positive Retail is the set of serveral applications to help in chain of shops management. Similar to Positive Hospitality it contains two main parts. First is placed in every shop, the second is meant to be place to aggregate, analyze and report incomes, outcomes and general statistics over whole network.

The first part includes:
  • POS application that is used by operators to sale product, print invoices, preview the stock of other shops in network to help potential client to find the product he or she is looking for.
  • Back office application that is necessary to manage stock levels, taking care about product deliveries, making orders to suppliers, printing reports, keeping an eye on workers work time, managing their access to particular functionalities and data, changing prices and discounts. This application allow user to use external devices such as Data collector, Barcode printers, barcode scanners etc.
  • Application to replicate sales data to central database. It is necessary because some of POS operate on MySQL database, new installation uses MS SQL and there replication build in MS SQL server is used.

The second part
  • Management center that aggregate data over the network, calculate essential ratings (food cost, average guest check, stock level, incomes etc.), generates sales reports, statistics. In general the first role of this application is to allow to monitor all activities over network to simplify process of making management decisions. The second role of that application was to take care about main storage house of the network, management and planning of deliveries.